Getting sorted!

We are slowly getting the house sorted

The unpacking is almost finished and now I just need to get each room in order

However I have a bad foot which I’ve had several cortisone injections for but they haven’t worked and I will need an operation in the near future so that is giving me grief and I can’t do as much as I’d hoped

I had grand plans to get my kitchen makeover done in this first week but I think I’m going to wait until my mum comes to visit in a month and get her to help me.

Sorry for the delay but there will be in updated kitchen in the near future

For now I’m just focusing on getting into a new routine and having the house as neat and tidy and put away as I can do my hubby can just relax after work

He has a long weekend this week so he will probably get in to the shed and start sorting that and maybe some gardening

For me I will be resting my foot ready for a long week of work ahead

Until next time….

Seeya GAM

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